Premium Wordpress & WooCommerce Plugins

NEW 🎉 solution for your shop: achieve more sales with improved customer experience & easier steps to checkout

WooCommerce Smart Sticky Cart

4-in-1 plugin

Documented Tested Updated

WooCommerce Smart Sticky Cart


Pluginty Smart Sticky Cart for WooCommerce is a suite of 4-in-1 WooCommerce extensions that make adding to cart and going to checkout easier for your customers. This reduces the time they need looking for buttons and making decisions, speeding up the purchase process. The plugin includes:

More features at a glance

  • AJAX on single product pages: add to cart without refresh
  • Works with different products types (simple, variable, grouped, and external)
  • Inherits your website styling to seamlessly match your branding
  • Compatible with WooCommerce
  • Compatible with WordPress
  • Compatible with WPML and Polylang
  • Compatibility with Page Builders
  • RTL Support (Right to Left languages)
  • Customizable
  • Minimalist and modern
  • Lightweight (~21 KB of minified CSS and JS)
  • Responsive (mobile-friendly) design

Main benefits

  • Easier shopping experience and happier customers
  • Visual prompts to complete the purchase
  • Smoother customer journey through to checkout
  • Improved website accessibility

Smart Floating Cart

A Floating Cart Icon reacting when a product is added to cart and a Side Cart providing the cart overview.

Sometimes it is not very obvious what happens after a product is added, for example, there is only a small cart icon in the corner of the website. When at least one product is in the cart the Floating Icon appears and serves a few purposes:

  • Reassures your client that the product was added to cart
  • Provides a visual guide where to click next
  • Reminds them to complete the purchase

When the icon is clicked, a Side Cart opens:

  • Shows the summary and provids a quick overview, including cart totals
  • Allows removing products from the cart
  • Shows buttons to go to the full cart, or skip directly to the checkout page
Specific Customizations

Apart from the usual tweaks, this component allows you to choose from more than 10 cart icons, choose from three effects: pulsate (broadcast effect), bounce (vertically) and shake (horizontally), either after a product has been added to cart, or always (whenever the icon is visible).

Smart WooCommerce Sticky Add to Cart

A sticky bar at the bottom or at the top of a product page that displays the Add to Cart button and, optionally, product information.

Sometimes you create a beautiful description of your product, full of features and attractive pictures. The page becomes so comprehensive and long that as your customer scrolls down, the Add to Cart button disappears. It can be easy to forget to click it, especially on mobiles where the space is limited.

Smart Add to Cart Bar appears on product pages, when the main button is not in view (have a look at the bottom of this page!). The product can be added from anywhere, without the need to scroll and look for the Add to Cart button. It’s compatible with all products, working a little differently with each type:

  • For simple products it adds to cart immediately
  • For variable and grouped products it automatically scrolls the page to where the main Add to Cart button is positioned. From there your customer can choose their options.

It can also be shown on products that are not purchasable, for example out of stock. In this case the button will be hidden, but the bar can still show the product details, as a reminder.

Appears in a smart way

Pluginty Add to Cart Bar nevers obscure any important information. If you choose to place it at the bottom of the page, then it disappears when the footer is reached so the links or widgets can be seen. Similarly, it will disappear when you scroll to the top so that the menu is always accessible.

Specific Customizations

You can position the bar on top or on the bottom of the page, and choose what your customers see:

  • Show or hide the price, product name (title), thumbnail, rating
  • Show only the Add to Cart button

Smart “Added to Cart” Notice

This helpful notification that appears when your client adds a product to cart. It works on shop or archive pages, and on single product when AJAX is enabled.

This notice draws attention, and confirms that a product was added to cart. This clear re-assurance is especially important when accessibility might be of concern.

Unlike the built-in WooCommerce Message that always appears on top of the page, Pluginty Smart “Added to Cart” Notice always appears in the current view, without scrolling to the top. It also shows the “View Cart” link to easily proceed to the cart page.

Specific Customizations

This notice can be either dismissed manually, or it can hide automatically after a few seconds. The default text can also be replaced*.

Smart Checkout Bar

A bar that only appears on the cart page and it allows your customer to jump directly to checkout, without the need to scroll down.

It only shows when there are products in the cart and apart from the “Checkout” button it summarizes the number if items added, and the total amount to pay.

Specific customizations

The Smart Checkout Bar can be placed on top or at the bottom of the basket page. You can also replace the text on the button: instead of the default “Checkout” you can write “Proceed”, “Continue”, “Next step” or whatever suits your business model best.

AJAX add to cart on single product pages

Enable AJAX with one click and allow users to include single products or variable products in the cart without the need to reload the entire site.

By default, WooCommerce refreshes the page after a product is added to cart. This slows down the process and every hurdle can be a chance for your customer to change their mind. When AJAX Add to Cart for WooCommerce is enabled in Pluginty panel, the cart content can be updated without refreshing the page.

This can also enable the Side Cart (normally accessed by clicking the Floating Icon) to function as a notice, if you wish. Once your client adds a product, a WooCommerce floating cart popup opens automatically, showing the cart summary.

Smart Notice also relies on AJAX functionality. Apart from enabling it on shop and archive pages in default WooCommerce settings, Pluginty allows you to use this option on single product pages too.

Branding, style, languages and customizations

Pluginty Smart Sticky Cart for WooCommerce is modern, appealing and minimalistic by default. It inherits the style of your website, seamlessly matching your branding. If you prefer you can tailor it to your needs, and apart from the specific settings for each component, you can choose colours for the background, text, icon and buttons. You can also select one of two animations that control how a component appears on the page: slide in or fade in.

* Pluginty supports LTR and RTL languages and it is compatible with popular multilingual plugins: WPML and Polylang.

How to Get Started

  1. Buy this plugin
  2. Download, install, and activate the plugin in your store
  3. Head to Pluginty panel for general settings
  4. Head to Customizer to set the options as you wish
  5. Enjoy and watch as your store works better for you!

WooCommerce Smart Sticky Cart

  • Unlimited sites
  • Future updates
  • One time payment
  • Premium Support
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30-day money-back guarantee

Woocommerce Smart Sticky Cart provides smoother experience for your Customers while they shop on your website. It improves navigation, speeds up the process and provides visual prompts to complete the purchase. Improved buyer’s confidence and easier steps to checkout mean higher conversion rates and more completed sales.


Do I need to pay for updates?

No, all future updates are included in your Licence.

Do I need to renew my license?

No, after purchase your Licence is granted for the lifetime of the product, in line with our terms.

Can I use this plugin on all my websites?

Yes, you can install and activate this plugin on any of your websites, your blogs, your shops, or your commercial projects.

Can I use this plugin on my clients' websites?

Yes, as long as your are the developer / designer of those websites. This means you cannot give or re-sell this plugin to anyone else.

What is premium support?

We offer premium support that is personal to you. It is usually provided by email or other form described on Our Website. It is more tailored to your needs than, for example, a support forum.

Is this plugin compatible with different WordPress themes?

This plugin was tested and works with popular free and premium themes. However, we understand that there are so many of them! If your theme requires some tweaks, simply open a ticket after you purchase this plugin, and we will be happy to assist.

Is it compatible with other plugins?

Whereas we cannot take responsibility for the behaviour of the plugins you did not get from us, we assure that Pluginty is compatible with WordPress and WooCommerce standards. If other plugins you use follow the same guidelines, they will probably work together.

Do you offer any guarantee?

If you have purchased your product and decide that it does not fulfil the requirements you have please get in touch within 30-days of purchase and we will refund the amount you paid.


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Why you need the Smart Sticky Cart for WooCommerce?

Smooth customer experience
Easier navigation
Faster time to checkout
Improved website accessibility

Details and compatibility

Designed for WooCommerce

We are confident you will love our plugins. To ensure that you are 100% happy with your purchase we offer a 30-day money back guarantee . If you find the product(s) you purchased are not the best fit for your setup please contact our support and we will help you find a solution or refund your purchase.

WooCommerce Smart Sticky Cart 4-in-1


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